Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Eel Ground School Pin Reward System

We have started a Pin Reward System here at Eel Ground School, This is how it works, your pin moves forward - for things that students do, such as, homework, listening, raising your hand, etc. if you pin moves backwards - you have done something that you shouln't have done, like, run in hallways, not raising you hand to talk, obeying the teaching staff, standing on the bus, or jumping from seat to seat. things like that.. If your stuck in the RED ZONE on the chart, then you are in detention room for the last friday on the month, which is activity day for the rest of them, The one's in detention are given work from their homeroom teacher to do. If your not in the Red Zone, then you get to participate in fun activities like Dance-Dance Revelotion, Floor Hockey, Movie, Board Games, Makerovers for girls. This month were are going to purchase some new game like Wii, X-Box 360, and even snowshoes for the outdoors people. This one is great speaking of tradition,


Jeff Whipple said...

Hi Kelvin...

It sounds like this is working well at your school. How are the pins tracked? Are they physical pins on a wall or something else?

It's interesting that many of the rewards offered are digital, but not all. What are more popular with the kids? Do you see more or less value in "technology" rewards?

EGS has a wonderful tradition in embedding technology in learning. Why don't you blog a bit about some of the things you are doing there and share with the rest of us?

Tara B said...

hey kelvin this is tara from indian island @ the elsipogtog site. This would have been great for your presentation for laurie's class! I think you system is great msg me back and let me know how the students are taking to it!