Monday, April 7, 2008

Boys and Girls Volleyball Program.

Our school's boys and Girls Volleyball programs are underway. We have been practising for the last month. We are in the District 16 middle school league's. The boys play there first games on Wednesday at 4pm and will play the next 4 weeks. The boys are working some hard to compete against those big schools, while we have all of the middle school boys playing. We applied for a grant for both boys and girls teams and received two grants both at $3000.00. We purchased new volleyball gear, new volleyballs, nets polls, team Uniforms- jersey's and shorts, knee pads and team track suits for each team member. This team did not have any of these items that last few years. the kids will be looking to win a few games. They have been practising almost every evening and some weekends when possible. I know the team love the things that we do for them. They are encouraging the younger grade kids something to look forward to. It helps the kids feel more like belonging more then they use to before.

Wish the team luck.

If there is any First Nation Middle school that has a volleyball team that would like to play an game please let me know and see if we can set something up for each community.

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